The episode begins with Bit doing trial runs in the Liger Zero, who, using the Liger's boosters and anti-lift stabilisers, gets it up to a high speed, although Leena and Brad quickly comment at it's lack of any real weaponry. After the test (ending with Bit hurting himself with his own harness which Liger Zero laughs at him), a battle is shown featuring Naomi Fluegel, the Red Comet, an undefeated Zoid warrior who has the record of having not one enemy get within one thousand yards of her Zoid. She lives up to her repuration, quickly besting three Heldigunners from long range, even though they had burrowed underground. After the battle, Naomi heads to a bar and picks up two complete novices as "filler" pilots to allow her to partake in team battles. Indeed, her very next battle is scheduled to be a team battle, her opponent being the Blitz team...